What do you see when you look back at 2019?
Do you see happiness?
Do you see joy?
Do you see pain?
Do you see sorrow?
Do you see greatness?
Do you see growth?
Do you see potential?
Do you see purpose?
What do you see?
There is one truth i know that won't change; whatever you see when you look back can not be changed. However, you have power and authority over all powers of the enemy that may come between you and who the Lord has made you to be.
Today as we wind up 2019, a decade and entering into a new one, I want to ask you a favor.
Take like 30 minutes to look back at your life and see three things;
1. What has consumed most of your time?
2. What have you been investing your money in?
3. What have your thoughts been occupied with?
Well, let me break it down for you. Do you spend most of your time in the gym? doing school work? Hanging out with friends? on video games? Do you invest your money on your clothes? helping people? having fun? Are your thoughts mostly occupied with how to be the best version of yourself? how to be more like Christ? how to get six packs, lol. I mean sit down and make a list on each category, be honest with yourself and what you find on the top of your lists will be something that holds a special place in your life.
The reason for this exercise is to help you evaluate the priorities in your life. It is very important to be aware of what we want to prioritize in life, in fact, as Christians we should not forget our great commission in Matthew 28:16-20 which includes to make disciples of all nation and more.
Are you happy with your results? Did your result align with what you want to hold a great value in your life? Do you want something else?Are your priorities in alignment with the great commission?
If you are happy with the results, good job, keep it up. If you are not, that's okay too, because today is the day to start thinking and praying for what to prioritize in your life. Yes, today is the best way to start, and since we all don't know what the future holds, we can at least make the most out of each day as it is given to us.
A new day is a gift given by God for you and me to leave our old wicked ways and to walk in alignment with Him, to better our ways, to correct and learn from our mistakes, to make the right choices, to be the best we can ever be, to give our best and more.
As we step into a new year, I want to leave you with this verse and I pray that the Holy Spirit stir in you a strong conviction on how to live out the truth He has ordained for your life.
"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?"
Mark 8:36.
Look back not to feel sorry for your mistakes, but to be inspired by the grace, love, and mercy of God on the greater work to be accomplished in you and through you in the coming decade and forever more.