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Just a girl with a DREAM

"It all started two years ago with a girl who had nothing but a dream."

On May 19th, 2017 is when I published the first episode of what was then called “follow your dream.” I remember in the winter of 2016, I started to design my website and I hoped to share people’s dreams with the world, so that they can be inspired to chase after their own dreams too. My heart was to share stories that inspire people (including you), to take steps in pursuing their passion and purpose in life. I thought that "if it has been possible for someone to achieve their dreams, it can be possible for anyone else who long to touch theirs too."

I had no tough equipments, I had no support, I literally had nothing that would have made my dream a reality, I was just a girl with a dream.

I was motivated to make it happen, i wanted the people of this world to stand up and run after who they long to be, pursue a dream that they think is too far unattainable, and I wanted to see their stories inspire others to take actions.

The girl writing this had no clue on how it was going to happen either. She was determined enough, unstoppable, believed in herself and she had to make some tough decisions to make it happen.

I remember, I switched from iPhone s5 to iPhone 7 Plus, I bought a selfie stick and that was all I had to produce a video. I thought that I could at least use what I had to make my dream possible. You can Imagine the quality of my production, but trust me, that was all i had and i was thankful that finally my first episode was out. I am thankful to people who believed in my dream even when it was still unfolding and they were willing to step out and share their dreams of who they aspire to be.

It took few people who believed in me then, that made me believe in the possibility of my dream.

if you have a dream of who you long to be and you don't see how it will come through, know that i believe in the possibility of your dream.

Yes, i believe in the possibility of your dream.

Back then, i didn't have any photography nor videography skills, i didn't have anyone to talk me through my project, no one to give me a direction. All i knew was that God gave me a dream, and that He was going to see me through. So many times i didn't believe in it, i didn't see how it was going to come through, and i went dormant after the first episode was out. Hmm, it was so easy for me to give in. I started to think that "i was crazy to think that i could actually do it." but those were my thoughts, not God's. and the Scripture tells me that " my thoughts can not compare to God's thoughts, for His thoughts are WAY HIGHER." it reads,

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9.

Now two years later, I have a wonderful team and we are doing @the_get_to_know_me_show which is the bigger version of my little dream back in 2016! It is the bigger picture of what God had in store, and it didn't come until two years later in May 2019 when we first published our first episode.

I am here to tell you who have a dream that "it is possible" Know that when God created you, he had a unique purpose for your life, yes, a unique special calling that you alone will do. If God gave you that desire to start that business, to be that kind of (wo)man He created you to be, then

"it is possible, just believe it in."

Yes, there will be moments that you will not see it coming, days you will feel unqualified, days that you will just want to quit, but remember that those are just feelings, and its okay to feel that way, but do not stay there. Know that someone somewhere believes in your dream (me) and i would love for you to be the very person God created you to be. Don't just settle for what you see, or hear now. Be patient when it doesn't come as fast as you expected it to be, just keep on trusting in the God who gave you that vision, and let Him who knows what you need and when you need it have His hands on the situation, for

"That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9.

I was just a girl with a dream, but i am now a girl who is living in the possibilities of her dreams.

You can live in your dream too!

~ Let Him who knows what you need and when you need it have His hands on your vision.~

Oscaline Usanase

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