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A Miserable Business

We live in an era where everyone wants to "have it all" figure out, "have it all" together, which most of the time intuit us to make decisions of things we should do or the things we should not do out of envy.

For example; you may decide that this time you will work harder, exercise more, eat healthier, cut off un-healthy relationships, and save more money. These are all good plans, but wait a bit, what drives your intention? As christians, the intentions behind what we do matters. In fact, whatever you decide to do or not do is meant to glorify God and grow you at the same time. Your decisions help you be better than you were; in your actions, attitude, speech, interactions and relationships with people. Simply, the intent of your decisions should be a desire to honor God, to grow and be better.

It is meaningless as the bible says to make a resolution because you want to be better than someone, you want to have more than your friend has, you want to have a car that is better than your neighbor’s, you want more new outfit than your friend, and so on. The scripture tells us that having all those things out of jealous is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

“Then I observed that most people are motivated to success because they envy their neighbors. But this, too, is meaningless—like chasing the wind.” Ecclesiastes 4:4 NIV

Something meaningless is something that has no significance. It is empty, blank and in vain. And why would you waste your time on meaningless things which will leave you empty in plenty?

Quote me well, it is good to have someone you look up to as a role model, or work hard upto someone you aspire to be. But do not let your envy motivate you to do something, or become someone_ this is meaningless, and it will leave you empty, in vain and purposeless.

Instead, make a resolution(s) that will make you better than you are, and let every resolution you make have Christ in the centre. Take a look at this story found in the book of Ecclesiastes 4:8

There was a man all alone;

he had neither son nor brother.

There was no end to his toil,

yet his eyes were not content with his wealth.

“For whom am I toiling,” he asked,

“and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?”

This too is meaningless—

a miserable business!

A miserable business is an empty life; a life in vain. This life may rise when you work extremely hard, motivated by envy. When you lack contentment and in the end deprive yourself enjoyment. The scripture tells us a story of a man who was all alone; he worked extremely hard but he was never content with what he had.

Note that the scripture says that there was no end to his toil, meaning all he committed himself to was work. He had no other life, and in the end he found out that all he was doing wasn’t bringing the enjoyment he was sweating for. He was not enjoying the fruits of his labor, because he was not content with what he had in the moment. All he was doing was like a chasing after a wind.

Now, as you devote to making decisions that honor God and grow a better version of yourself, yes work hard, give it your best but don’t be motivated by envy or be like this man who wasn’t content with what he had, because lack of contentment will steal you joy and leave you empty, blank, in vain and purposeless.

Instead of being motivated by jealous, join hands with those who you see might help you reach where you want to be, “for two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour.” Ecclesiastes 4:9


Oscaline Usanase

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