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The New Kind of Woman

The year is ending, and everyone is making resolutions. Well, resolutions are good because they set a pace and rhythm to follow in order to achieve certain goals. Dear lady trying to set new resolutions for 2019, remember this;

“To project where you want to be, first know where you have been.”

Setting the new kind of woman; lady you want to be this coming year, you need to fully understand where you have been. Just like through a woman sin entered the world, through a woman a savior was born.

Part of who you are lies in where you have been. At some point in the past you encountered mister failure who touched your mind and caused you to give up and feel bad about yourself, and mister failure extended his arm to touch your soul and broke your heart into many pieces. You may have crossed path with tragedy that robbed you hope and brought you anger and anxiety. Disappointment may have shook your hands and now love and trust is nowhere to be found in you. You may have stepped on someone and never said ‘sorry,’ you may have said something that hurt someone (intentionally or unintentionally), i mean you may have been someone in the past that you now wish can go back in time and re-do or relive those moments for better.

Girl, If you are feeling like the past is holding you back from moving forward with new resolutions, let me ask you this one question; what greater wrong have you done that compares to the disobedience of a woman which resulted into SIN to all mankind? yet God saw greatness in her (woman) to the point He blessed her womb to conceive the Savior.

The scripture in Genesis 3 tells us that Eve saw what was good and pleasing to the eye and went for it. She didn’t keep it to herself, but shared with her husband.

“ When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.” Vs 6 (NIV).

Do you now think you are too far gone? I assume that what you have done, who you have been in the past, or the poor choices you may have made in the past haven’t affected as many people as Eve’s disobedience did.

Yes, it must have been hard, but am here to tell you that IT IS POSSIBLE TO RISE UP AGAIN. There is greatness inside of you, God loves you and He has changed your story. Do you believe it? Just as God changed a horrific story of a woman; Eve to a miraculous divine birth of Jesus Christ through another woman (Mary), He is about to do the same in your life.

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21.

Therefore, do not fear to step up and shine your greatness because after all it doesn’t matter what others think about you or what you think about yourself, what matters is what God thinks about you.

You are a woman with a new defined identity!

You carry love,

You carry joy,

You carry peace,

You carry forbearance,

You carry kindness,

You carry goodness,

You carry faithfulness,

You carry gentleness,

You carry self-control.

You simply carry the fruit of the Holy Spirit inside of you wherever you go. And now as you are making new resolutions about the person you want to be, may you be:

A woman who stays connected to the source; God,

A woman who produces good fruit,

A woman who never loses her saltiness,

A woman who shines God’s light for all to see.

So, do not allow anyone to say otherwise;



Oscaline Usanase

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