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Thank you GOD for 2017, Welcome 2018

God has been faithful to plant the seeds in 2017, and he is still faithful to send the rain in 2018.~

well, Looking back to my 2017, I literally have no one single word to express what a year it was. But am so thankful for the Lord who Entrusted me with his desires, the God who guided my steps, the God who did the Impossible, the Miraculous God, the Faithful God, I mean The God who sustains his word, the God who Gives hope to the hopeless, the God who Give Life to lifeless, I mean THE GREAT GOD.

From My Spiritual Growth, I mean from taking baby steps that led me to where God wanted to be. I learnt that sometimes I don’t need to take huge, big steps to make it there, rather those small little baby steps can sustain my journey. Immediately Obedience being the Key (knowing that delayed obedience is disobedience), responding beyond the way I feel (rather responding beyond my feelings as i instead relay on the truth of the word of God), letting God Break Through My every single step, being Bold and Faithful to God.

Yes, some days were tough, others tougher and darker, yes sometimes I questioned my journey but chose to die on what I felt at the moment because I knew it was not from God, yes things would just happen that I wouldn’t understand, but I chose to remain faithful even when I couldn’t see any Glimpse of hope of what my next step would look like, yes some people left my life and it was super hard to admit not knowing that God was going to send other people that I needed at the moment on my journey (am so thankful for the God who knows what we need, and supply them on his timeline), I have got so many downs day after day, but the mighty God stayed on TOP of my downs and he Stayed Mighty And Faithful to me. Sometimes school life, social life would all add up and made me want to withdraw some responsibilities out of my hands, but God didn’t want me to Quit, he Reminded me that He have me where I am for a Purpose, so I remained faithful and kept going.

I Am so thankful for my family and all the tremendous things God has done to them, through them and for them. God has healed the sick, he has resurrected one of my family member, he has kept his promises, he remained faithful through the hard and joyful times, he always worked through them to awaken each other, he financially provided, he gracefully offered some promotions, he never let anyone give up on anyone, rather fight together not to fight each other, i mean i can't mention it them all, but am more than thankful for who God is and all his miraculous, marvelous works unto his people.

I am also thankful for my friends. a friend once told me that "friends are blessings from God, and you should not loose them." well, to you all my friends, thanks for being the blessings and gifts from God, i cherish each one of you, i love you, and i want to support you to the best of God's abilities in me. tis year, i struggled with loosing some friends, yes some had to walk away from my life and i believe God has a better plan for us all, for he knows what our lives needs and fulfill them, and above that am so thankful for the ones he brought on my way. i gained so many people this year than i lost. i also struggled with pushing one friend away for sometime not because i didn't want to be friends with that person, but because i was still bonded in "people's perspective" but am no longer bonded, am free now and thank God for freeing me from that bondage. ~A simple advice for you who is pushing people away from your life, first evaluate their fruits in your life, and pray to God who brought them in your life to direct you with the next step. You don't want to push a blessing away from your life, and please don't base your decision on people's perspectives, they didn't bring that person in your life, God did, so consult God for any decision.~

Academically, I literally don’t know how I could have succeeded if it weren’t for God. God surely helped through every step in my academics. i didn't miss any home works, tests, exams. some times i wasn't ready both physically(sick sometimes), spiritually, but God din't allow any of that to come in between my studies. i remember exams that i did with a terrible headache, those i didn't prepare enough for, those that were naturally hard, i mean God never left me in any of those moments. sometimes it took me to forget what a sleep was, other times it was just to chill, i mean everyday was it's challenge on it's own, and through those challenges, God revealed to me new opportunities that i needed at the moment. most importantly, every time it seemed like turning down, i reminded God of his promises unto me. Yes, Sometimes you need to remind God of your promises, not because he has forgotten them, but because he wants you to cry out for help.

I am not perfect and never will I, but I will not let my imperfections overtake my life. I serve a perfect God, and through him and desiring to be more like him, my imperfections are perfected by a perfect God. I have learnt that I don’t have to compromise, to lessen myself and the one inside of me, to not even Live on people’s point of view, no human being can complete me, rather God, and only God. Am learning how to be Whole and filled with Jesus Christ likeness. My identity is found only in Jesus Christ, not in what I do for him, not in how or where I grew up from, not in how people define me, nor how I define myself, I find my truest identity in Christ. I don’t have to live less of me, or higher of me, I need to live as me; yes as ME. However, with all that, I don’t have to boast about anything, I need to LOWER ourselves down, as the Lord becomes grater (John 3:30). Brethren, Be Loving, spread Love, let people see Jesus in you as you reflect his Image fully! I humbly want to say sorry for anyone that we crossed path in anyway and I wasn’t fruitful and to anyone I have hurt, disappointed... am truly sorry I would love to connect with you in person if I can (please reach out).

Mostly, my resolution for 2018 Is “Being more of God and less of me”. Lord thank you for every single second of my 2017, It literally was a Year. I entrust you with my 2018, you who know the voids in my life that need to be filled, Take my life, Empty it and fill it with your desires Lord! “Let it be as you Wish Lord, Amen🙏🏽🙌🏽” Thank you for sowing the seed in me in 2017, am leaving 2018 in your hands❤️



Oscaline Usanase

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